Tuesday, March 22, 2011

NOTD: China Glaze - For Audrey & OPI Black Shatter

NOTD (not today, but March 12th lol)

I painted this at my cousin's house. She got the last OPI Shatter from a beauty supply store in downtown. I always thought it gave off a cool effect, but haven't really given a thought to buying it. After trying it out though, I really do want one! Doubles the number of nail polishes you own! Follow the formula for an example:

# you own x 2 (thanks to shatter) = SO MANY MORE POSSIBILITIES!

I asked my boyfriend for his opinion on it. Thought he would like it since it looks more punk than the typically seen mature/classy/vampy/neons. He didn't like it!! Asked another guy and he didn't like it either! Asked three girls? Loved it!

Conclusion? Guys might not like b/c it's so busy/flashy/weird/different/jealous they can't wear it/a million other reasons. Girls, on the other hand, are fighting for the last bottle hence it being sold out at so many places...

What do you think?

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