Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Clothing Haul

Not beauty related, just wanted to share the deals I've gotten on clothes. I bought everything within the past couple weeks.

From Urban Outfitters during their 50% off sale items:

Urban Renewal dress: $10 - 50% = $5
Sorry for the blur, I forgot to change settings to auto focus!! This is the front view of the dress. 
And, yes! It has pockets!

 Back View - Please excuse my yoga mat :)

Pins and Needles Cardigan: $29.99 - 50% = $15

From Hollister, though the clothes are for the spring and summer rather than winter:

 Floral Bustier: $9.99 - 30% = $7

Floral Dress: $19.99 - 30% =  $14

Same style as above: $19.99 - 30% =  $14

 Tube top: $9.99 - 30% = $7

 Woven Belt: $9.99 - 30% = $7

Finally, from Target:

Black zippered leggings: On clearance for $3.XX


  1. I like all the floral prints, nice to wear especially since spring is coming up.

  2. che: i'm starting to get into florals. spring and summer time here is too cold for me to wear it. I'll have to wear them with leggings.

    Tara: thanks!
